Workshop for GPAZDS Program in NVRI

February 14-15, 2023
National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, Nigeria


The United State Department of Agriculture and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) in partnership with NVRI, in the framework of global partnership for animal and zoonotic diseases surveillance organized a training of trainers (ToT) workshop to help promote recognition, reporting, and control of bio-threat pathogens and improve food security. 52 government veterinarians and other Researchers from NVRI and around the country met and discussed control of transboundary animal diseases and surveillance. Nigeria, with a population of 200 million, consumes 60% of the livestock in the West African region. The government has indicated a need for more robust risk analyses in cross-border trade, to be able to develop sound policy decisions. Participants engaged in understanding how to enhance animal health infrastructure and surveillance. All activities were done in a participatory manner, and pre/post-test evaluations demonstrated good learning. Evaluations overall were positive.

The workshop was coordinated and facilitated by Prof. Corrie Brown, of the Livestock International, Athens, Georgia, USA, Dr. David Ehizibolo, the Project Principal Investigator. Other facilitators were: Dr. Hussaini G Ularamu, Dr. Sunday Makama, Dr. Banenat Dogonyaro Bajehson and Dr. Dorcas Gado  and Dr. Maryam Muhammad, the Director/Chief Executive of the NVRI, Vom.

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