The Planning Divisions which serves as the DATABANK of the Institute was established in 2002 with the following mandate:
- Collecting and collating all Departments data in the Institute.
- Data collection, collation, review, processing, analysis and reporting of activities of the Institute on monthly and quarterly basis with Annual activity Report of the Institute at the end of the year.
- Developing Short, Medum and Long term strategic Planning document against which performance reports can be gauged.
- Collaborates with the Finance and Account Department to prepare the Institute Annual Budget beginning from the issuance of call circulars to budget Defence, preparation of draft for approvals by relevant authorities.
- Liaising with relevant government agencies that have oversight functions on the Institute’s activities such as the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and ARCN on demand side.
- Links and collaborates all forms of research and linkages.
- Engaging in Research and Development activities.
- Preparation of monthly and quarterly statements of budget performance of the Institute for the attention of Management.
- Manages funds and grant from donor/international agencies.
- Collaborates and liaises with international donor-agency to support the Institute’s activities.